Project Overview
This project was centered around restructuring and redesigning While evaluating the content on the site, our team discovered that it was difficult to find information about selling or transferring tickets, personalized information and recommendations were only sent via email, and their user profile pages could better facilitate search and discovery. Our team focused on creating a better information architecture and site structure to improve the sell ticket process and overall site navigability and redesign the user profile features to increase user engagement and promote search and discovery on
Project Goals
Effectively improve Ticketmaster’s overall information architecture and navigation menu structure.
Improve the sell ticket process by discovering better ways to showcase and streamline sell ticket feature.
Improve upon Ticketmaster’s on-boarding process and discover creative ways to improve functionality of their user profile features.
Project Role
My role for this project was creating the annotated wireframes for the redesigned sell ticket process and user profile features, creating protocols for all information architecture and first click testing, moderating all information architecture and first click testing sessions, and analyzing and synthesizing quantitative data to improve the design of our final wireframe designs.
Research PROCESS & REsults
Our research strategy for improving the overall information architecture and site navigability of the site began with conducting a content inventory and cognitive walk through of the site. Based off our initial results and analysis, we developed key tasks focused on improving the sell ticket process and user profile features of We conducted several rounds of card sorting and treejack testing to improve the navigation and menu structure and created an improved site map based of these results. To further analyze our new structure and improved site features, we created low-fidelity wireframes of the sell ticket process and new user creation features. Finally, we iterated upon and annotated our sell ticket and user profile wireframes based on these first click testing results. Below is an overview of each stage of research and analysis process.
Content Inventory
Because we chose to reorganize an existing website, we completed a content inventory of the entire Ticketmaster website. The content inventory gave us a full view of the site, helped us understand each section and showed us areas that could be changed or edited. From this content inventory, we decided to focus on main navigational categories and sub-navigational categories so we could focus on elements at the same navigation level.
Our first card sort was an open card sort where our team members completed the sort in order for us to get a better idea of what categories we could use for future closed card sorts. This card sort allowed us to check for errors such as duplicated cards, make edits to unclear names, and consolidate card categories where appropriate.
From this point, we created our first closed sort that would be sent to outside participants. The results that had 90% or higher agreement among users were determined to be successful enough that we did not test them beyond this round of testing. During this sort, we also noticed that all of our categories were topical except ‘Sell and Transfer’ which was action based, we adjusted this title to ‘Ticket Exchange’ in order to keep uniformity through the navigation. We also added a ‘Sell’ card after reviewing this round since that was necessary for our key tasks.
Our final card sort used the updates from the first closed sort and was another closed sort among outside participants. During this round of testing, we saw improvements with the ‘Ticket Exchange’ category where 83% of users put ‘Purchasing Tickets’ and ‘Ticketmaster Verified Tickets’ under this category. Also, the new ‘Sell’ category was organized under ‘Ticket Exchange’ at a rate of 100%.
Identifying Key Tasks
In order to focus our information architecture testing, we identified the perfect paths for our two key tasks which included:
Creating a user profile with updated customization and recommendation features
Selling tickets and finding information about selling tickets on
Tree Jack Testing
When our group moved to task based testing, we focused on our two key tasks.
Task 1: You currently have tickets to the "On The Run 2 Tour" that you want to unload for a profit. How would you go about doing this?
Task 1 Results: 83% of participants were able to complete this task successfully and 75% were direct successes. Since the majority of our participants were able to complete this task successfully, we did not test it any further.
Task 2: You want to receive notifications about events and artists you may be interested in. How would you go about setting this up?
Task 2 Results: 50% of users were able to complete the task and only 33% were direct successes. Since only half of our participants were able to complete this task successfully, we concluded that this task needed further testing.
For our second round of Tree-jack testing, we reworded the second task to see if the task completion results would improve.
Task 1: In a designated area, Ticketmaster will display content that is personalized to your interests. First, you have to choose artists and events that you are interested in. Where on the site would you go to set up what you would like to see in this area?
Task 1 Results: The success rate was only 33% with only 22% direct successes. The task had an even lower success rate than the first round and required us to make further adjustments and test again.
However, when looking at the results, while many participants did not have success on this task, 3 of the 9 went to event categories and viewed the search results. This may be a sign that people would rather view upcoming events to pick their favorites instead of utilize the new profile section. This would still allow them to complete the task without taking advantage of the profile section. Our next goal is to make the profile section more prominent and helpful so users feel they can go there first.
First Click Testing
For our first click testing, we created low-fi wireframes and test our two main tasks in 3 different scenarios: Below is an overview of the results.
Task 1: You bought tickets for an upcoming basketball game but can no longer go. Where would you go to list your tickets?
Task 1 Results: This task was 80% successful among participants. 70% went to the ‘Ticket Exchange’ area of the site and 10% went to ‘My Tickets’. This task showed a high enough percentage of agreement that we did not need to test it further.
Task 2: You just heard a new band that you like and want to stay up-to-date on their tour. How would you do this?
Task 2 Results: This task was 60% successful among participants with the majority of successes going to ‘Add Favorite Artists’. 30% of participants that did not go to our intended location, went to the ‘Concerts’ area of the page. This may have happened because of the wording of our question. We decided to reword the task and test again.
Task 3: You want to see what concerts your friends are going to and decide if you want to tag along. How would you find these events?
Task 3 Results: This task was also 60% successful among participants with the majority of users going to ‘Find Tickets’ under the ‘What your Friends are up to’ heading. We decided to reword this task and test again, aiming for a higher percentage of agreement.
For our second first click test, we reworded two of the previous questions and tested again.
Task 1: You just heard a new artist/band that you like. can help you stay up-to-date on all their events. How would you let know that you would like updates for this artist/band on this page?
Task 1 Results: The success rate of this task improved to 80% when we reworded the task for participants. We are satisfied with these new results and would not need to test further.
Task 2: You want to see what concerts your friends are going to and decide if you want to tag along. How would you get more information about these events on this page?
Task 2 Results: This task is now only at a 40% success rate, with a majority of failures going to the ‘Family’ event category section in the main navigation. This is not the first time that we asked users to find something related to their friends and they went to the ‘Family’ section. We may consider renaming this section to ‘Family-Friendly’ or we may need to give labels to the top navigation so users know this is displaying event categories. These changes would need further consideration and testing to confirm if they would help the site.
sitemap & wireframes
We created a site map based on our card sorting and information architecture testing that reflects the new organization, naming, edits and structure of the site. Below are some of the major changes we made to the site.
We renamed and merged 2 sections, VIP and Deals, into one category, Deals & Packages.
We renamed ‘Ticketmaster Verified’ to ‘Ticket Exchange’ to clarify what this category allowed users to do. We also adjusted the sub-categories to be all action based.
We changed ‘Custom Tickets’ to ‘Print Custom Tickets’ to help users understand that this is a printing service.
We added a new profile section that allows users to follow different events, artists, and venues so they can have customized information and suggestions.
We adjusted the naming of ‘Accessible Seating’ to ‘Event Accommodations’ to encompass all types of needs.
We adjusted the section ‘Work With Us’ to ‘Careers’ to match the organizational structure of that sub-navigation
When we created these wireframes, we focused on the screens needed to complete our two key tasks: 1.) Creating a user profile and 2.) Selling a ticket. Below is a quick overview of each task and link to each annotated wireframe.
Creating a User Profile - We broke up the account creation process into adding user information and then adding favorites and preferences that could be used by Ticketmaster to create recommendations. The new User Profile wireframes include an updated ‘Favorites’ section to include more options for users to select, a new ‘My Recommendations’ section, a new social media section to view events your friends are interested in or are attending, and finally a new ‘Discover’ section so users can search and view recommended events based off their favorites, past events, and location. Account Creation Wireframes
Selling a Ticket - We created a new ‘Ticket Exchange’ link and page for easier access to selling, transferring, and purchasing options, a new link for users to view what others have listed and sold their tickets, as well as a confirmation page for the selling ticket process that we did not have in our initial wireframes. Selling Ticket Wireframes